Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Number Of The Stars

This book is about a Danish family how like Copenhagen during the times of the World War 2. Annemarie has a friend named Ellen is Jewish and Ellen's family is endanger because they are Jewish. The Johansen Annemarie's family is going to help the Rosons family. They are going to keep Ellen secretly in there house with the family and pretend she is the older sister. So far there has been solders that went there to check there apartment to find Rosens  family but they got away with it because there plan worked. Now the mom and the girl went to the uncles house in the county to get away from everything but they left the dad because they think it will look suspicion.

As I was reading I found a memory moment when the mom and Annemarie remember when she use to live out there in the county she said "My Aunt Gitte lived there, in the house...she always had wonder flowers in her garden." and Annemarie had a memory moment from when she remember when her family used to always enjoy there company and laugh and have a good time but now its all different because she said "But there was a difference. In the earlier times, she had always overheard laughter. Tonight there was no laughter at all."

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Number The Stars

 Think People Were Bystanders During The Holocaust Because They Were Afraid Of What Mite Have Happened To Them If They Did Stand Up And Try To Do Something About It. If This Was Me I Know I Would Have Been An Up Stander Because, If I Saw Something Like This Happening I Would At Least Do My Best And Try To Do Something About It Instead Of Just Letting The Problems Add Up I Would Of Solved Them Before It Was Already To Late Because The More You Let Little Things Add Up They Don't Continue To Be Little Things Anymore They Pile Up Problem After Problem And Only Get Worse.