Friday, March 27, 2015

A Matter Of Trust #2

Right now I'm reading the book "A Matter Of Trust." and it has a lot of drama in it like theres this boy named Hakeem and he has this problem with stuttering a lot when he talks and he can't control it and he randomly starts talking to this girl Brisana and when they start talking she starts getting rides from him on his motorcycle but that all just starts happening after Darcy starts talking to Tarah and Cooper which Brisana doesn't like either of them and Brisana was once really close with Darcy but no so much anymore because of that. Darcy is a really good friend to Hakeem like she told him to try out for the talent show because he can sing and play guitar and he doesn't stutter when he sings so she told him that he should since she thinks that he is good at it Hakeem started to sing this song around Darcy and then she was surprised so she asked him "Did you write that?" and he said that he did. After she told Hakeem that he should try out for the talent show he really didn't want to because he thought he would make a fool out of him self since he stutters.. but since Darcy is such a good friend she told Hakeem "I will if you will," then Hakeem told her with a smile on his face "Okay. Deal. Maybe we'll both make such fools of ourselves we'll have to run away to a deserters island and hide."

The conflict to this story is Darcy likes Hakeem but because Darcy and Brisana are not friends anymore Brisana is starting to try to get close to Hakeem to take him from Darcy since she knows it would bother Darcy. The only reason Brisana doesn't talk to Darcy anymore is because she started talking Tarah and Cooper again, Darcy doesn't mean to start anything with Brisana but she confronts her about her talking to Hakeem she tells her "I know you're being fake with Hakeem," but Darcy really was she had told Brisana "Besides if all of a sudden you can find solo much in common with losers like Tarah and Cooper, surely I can change my mind about Hakeem. Which reminds me, Ive got to run. Hakeem's waiting for me in class." she just said that to get Darcy jealous because she knows that she already is. Darcy tried to block Brisana as she walked away and then Brisana fell against a row of lockers and scraped her knee and started bleeding "Look what you did!" Brisana yells "I didn't do anything! Can I help it if you're so clumsy trying to walk on those stupid mile high heels." but after everything Darcy was so mad that she started shaking in English class she couldn't believe the fact that she had almost got in a fight with Brisana over Hakeem. 

Invisible Woman

Sometimes I feel invisible when I try to explain family something and they don't pay attention as if what I'm trying to say means nothing..I haven't been able to over come this because sometimes it just passes through so fast and I just change the subject because I feel like there no point on continuing to stay stuck on the fact they don't listen. I just move forward and pretend that it wasn't a big deal to me. The fact that my family doesn't really listen as much shapes me it tells me that I just need to stop trying to explain my self to people that have no intentions of listening .

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Tolerance = The Ability Or Willing To Allow The Existence, Occurrence Or Practice Of Something, In Particular The Existence Of Opions Or Behaviors That One Does Not Necessarily Agree With.

I think I can be more tolerant by excepting things I don't always agree with and trying to get less angry when people say the wrong thing. Theres nothing wrong with liking other things.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Blog #1 Where She Went. 4Q

Right now I'm at the end of this book " Where She Went." and she had already met Adam and they begin to some what have this "thing." its kinda of like a relationship but not so official yet. For the first time in 3 years they finally kissed. Adam was nervous and he could tell that Mia was too they went to the hotel and fell asleep together and once he woke up Mia was laying next to him so he pulled her closer loving her, loving the moment he was in happier then ever. Its been a while since he's felt that much happiness considering the fact he suffers through depression and is always in need of pills. Once he wakes up Mia is crying, Mia is scared that she will lose Adam again! She keeps remembering high school..(thats when they stopped talking). Then Adam tells her "This isn't high school anymore Mia." he knows that things will be hard but he loves her he's thought about her for over 3 years and now that he has her he doesn't want anything to interfere with that so he attempts to quit his band for her.. he believes he needs a break from it and he's whiling to do anything just to be with her.

Adam has a lot of memory moments like when they are having this dance and he kisses behind her ear he remembers that in high school it was something that use to always get to her and once he did it again to her he realized that it still does. I know this because he says "I loop my arms around her waist and kiss her right behind her ear, the way that used to drive her crazy, the way that, judging by the sharp intake of breath and the nails that dig into my side, still does." that shows that Adam was having a memory of something thats happened a long time ago and that he hast forgotten about it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blog #7 Point Of View.

Right now I am on chapter 6 and Adam had brought a ticket to Mias concert to see her perform. Mia called Adam back stage and so guy had to go get him and Adam went and Mia couldn't believe that he was there it was like she was in shock but he noticed that some things changed about Mia its like he wanted to ask her why she left but then he didn't but then they took a walk and Mia got on the phone with someone and he remember that Mia used to hate when people would talk on the phone while in the process of being with someone but then she took the call and it came to him that it was something that had changed about her.

In this chapter I believe this is first person because he explains more about him and how he feels about her and he explains things they do. I know this because he says. " "Its locked." he says. In the darkness I see Mias grin." thats telling about him and Mia but its still talking about him and what he sees and about what he sees Mia do.