Friday, February 20, 2015

Where She Went Block #6

 I would describe Adam as a very hard working man but also broken due to the fact he hast moved on from Mia. He goes through a lot with the always taking pills and stuff things just went down hill when Mia left him. Adam still cares about her but he doesn't want to be with her i guess he feels as if he would ruin everything for her since she has to focus on her music just like him.

He seems confused because he has all these mixed emanations he has. Its like he wants Mia but at the same time somethings stopping him from trying to be with her. He buys this ticket to hear her play but if he hears her he would know she's there which I think would make him want to be with her more and make him more tempted to try and find her. He's famous but he went out alone this time because he made his self look less noticeable so he could see Mia preform with out having to have all these crazy fans chase him and stuff. Adam and Mia find each other but separate again he meets her he still has problems with the fact he doesn't know the real reason she left him she never gave him a explanation to why she left.

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